Shop Diverse™ by Edtrinsic green-means-go logo

Looking for Allied Certified Businesses?

Get Shop Diverse® Directory Access (it's free)

The Shop Diverse® Directory is a user-friendly directory of small businesses that have met the Allied Certified standards established by Edtrinsic.

Start using the Shop Diverse Directory today to locate Allied Certified businesses nearest you and become part of the #ShopDiverse movement.


Why Shop Diverse®?

When you choose a business within the Shop Diverse Directory, you are supporting an Allied Certified business, one that has committed to fostering a connected and inclusive community.

Feels Good

It feels good to know before you go. Use Shop Diverse as your guide to Allied Certified small businesses and service providers nearest you.

Does Good

It does good to put your hard-earned money back into community businesses that have committed to pursuing lasting change this year and every year.

Looks Good

It looks good when more and more businesses have the Shop Diverse logo on their websites and in their stores' windows. The power of choice is in your hands.

The Shop Diverse Directory

empowers consumers.

With information at your fingertips you can choose to support Allied Certified businesses that have proven that they want to build a welcoming space for everyone.

passion lead us here

Ready. Set. Go!

Step 1

Register to receive Shop Diverse Directory access to view all Allied Certified businesses.

Step 2

Use the Shop Diverse Directory to select a business from which to purchase your next product or service.

Step 3

Share the love by asking your friends and family to use the Shop Diverse Directory.

A young woman sitting on an orange rug looking at her laptop


Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Why use the Shop Diverse Directory?

    Using the Shop Diverse Directory feels, does, and looks good.

    Feels Good

    It feels good to know before you go. Use the Shop Diverse Directory as your guide to Allied Certified Small Businesses and service providers nearest you.

    Does Good

    It does good to put your hard-earned money back into community businesses that have committed to pursuing lasting change this year and every year.

    Looks Good

    It looks good when more and more businesses have the Shop Diverse Directory logo on their websites and in their stores' windows. The power of choice is in your hands.

    When you choose a business within the Shop Diverse Directory, you are supporting a business that has achieved the Allied Certified distinction. This means that at least 75% of the business's leadership and team have voluntarily become Allied Certified Individuals.

  • Who can use the Shop Diverse Directory?

    The Shop Diverse Directory is for anyone looking for an Allied Certified business nearest them or online. 

    Although the Shop Diverse Directory reflects Allied Certified small businesses, our corporate Allied Certified sponsors will be listed on

  • What is the Shop Diverse Directory?

    Shop Diverse Directory is an online directory of Allied Certified small businesses.

    These certified small businesses may include local eateries, local retail stores, or service providers like home inspectors, interior designers, website designers, and all types of consultants. These businesses may be sole proprietors or have employees (up to the (SBA limit for small businesses).

  • What happens if a business does not maintain the Allied Certified spirit?

    All businesses within the Shop Diverse Directory must maintain the Allied Certified standards.

    Shop Diverse users can provide verified user feedback for each business they select from the directory. We want to celebrate those businesses that best embody the Allied Certified spirit while also re-educating those that may need to show a little extra love in specific areas.

    Businesses that fail to recertify will be removed from the Shop Diverse Directory.

  • When should I use the Shop Diverse Directory?

    Use the Shop Diverse Directory anytime you want to shop, eat, or secure a service from an Allied Certified small business.

  • Where do I request Shop Diverse Directory Access?

    Anyone can sign up for Shop Diverse Directory access by going

  • How do I use the Shop Diverse Directory?

    Log In

    Log into the directory at

    Search for a Business

    Once you are in the directory you can search for small businesses using their name, location, or various tags.

    Examples of tags:

    Virtually Everywhere - lets you know that the business is online and may or may not have a physical location.

    Accessible Website - lets you know that the website provides accessibility features which may include screen reader technology. 

    More tags will be added periodically based on the serach needs of our Shop Diverse Directory users.

    Get Going!

    With Allied Certified small business details at your fingers tips, you are free to get going to the nearest certifed business location or website.

Help us grow

Know a business?

If a business you love or maybe one that needs to show more love is not in the Shop Diverse Directory - let us know. We will send them some information on how they can become Allied Certified.


Don't have their details?

Use a share the love option below and share with them socially.

Share the love.

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